
Have you asked yourself these questions.... Why am I so tired? Why do I crave sweets? Why can't I lose weight? Why do I feel depressed? Why do 1 in 2 people get cancer? Why is my child's life expectancy less than mine? Learn how to get control of your life through nutrition. Balance your Mind; Balance your Body; Balance your Life.

Monday, September 26, 2011

NUTRITION TIP OF THE WEEK: Choosing The Right Chocolate for Heart and Brain Health

By now you might have heard the great news: chocolate is unmistakably good for you. And chocoholics are certain to rejoice with the findings of a systematic review in the British Medical Journal (1) that suggests enjoying chocolate daily may bring better health to their hearts. Chocolate’s benefits are mainly the result of cocoa powder’s rich content of antioxidant flavanols. But here’s a caution—don’t let the media attention fool you into gorging on the wrong kind of chocolate!

While most chocolate varieties (except white) do offer some degree of heart-healthy cocoa powder, they can also contain relatively high amounts of calories from not-so-healthy sources such as refined sugars and solid fats. These types of chocolate may hinder or side track your health and weight management goals. You can make the most of each delicious bite by choosing a variety that is sure to provide you the greatest benefits.

Dark chocolate, for example, is generally lower in calories and contains relatively minor amounts of sugar and solid fats. And, to be called dark, it must be made of at least 70 percent cocoa powder, which raises its health potential. Yet, it should be noted, not all dark chocolates are alike. Careful manufacturing makes certain the final delivery of healthy doses of antioxidant flavonols.

Take IsaDelight Plus™ dark chocolate pieces, for instance, which are the product of the chocolatiering know-how of Isagenix VP Product Innovation Pierre Teissier, Ph.D., combined with the expertise of Isagenix scientists, and the true-to-life clinical experiences of Scientific Advisory Board member Paul Anderson, M.D.

These are manufactured to be superior in their delivery of potent doses of antioxidant flavonols alongside green tea antioxidant epicatechins and mood-boosting B vitamins and amino acids

Every two chocolate pieces provides an ORAC score of 5,200 (the antioxidant strength equivalent of a cup of blueberries)!

The findings from the BMJ review, along with other recent studies, are adding only more reason that flavonol-rich dark chocolate should be enjoyed for a mix of health attributes:
  • New research in Spain evaluated cocoa in a human intervention study and found that it acts on several proteins implicated with reducing oxidative stress, which is a factor of aging (2).
  • A recent meta-analysis from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston evaluated 10 randomized, clinical trials that demonstrated that cocoa may help with managing healthy lipids (3).
  • New research from the University of Reading suggests dark chocolate may improve cognition and visual performance (4).
  • A recent meta-analysis from University of Adelaide evaluated 13 randomized, controlled trials and found that flavonol-rich dark chocolate was superior to a placebo in supporting healthy blood pressure (5).
More than a simple confection, IsaDelight Plus is designed as a “guilt-free pleasure” for satisfying cravings, assisting with weight management, and easing through Isagenix Cleanse Days. Now, the latest research shows that each decadent piece may be good for your heart, help keep your body young, all while boosting mood,  vision, and brain performance. 

Remember you always get wholesale prices through me.  
Simply log into your account email me at 321-749-8719 so we can get you setup to receive the products at cost.

In Health,

Monday, September 19, 2011

NUTRITION TIP OF THE WEEK: How Much Vitamin C Do You Really Need?

Higher intake of vitamin C may be needed to maintain healthy tissues.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid (ascorbate), is the most frequently taken dietary supplement in North America. Yet, despite its widespread use, national surveys report that 15 percent of the population still doesn’t get enough vitamin C to meet recommended amounts for health.

Initially, the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for vitamin C was set at 60 milligrams, the amount required to prevent scurvy. The deficiency disease—commonly characterized by bleeding gums and loosened teeth helped identify the vitamin as having an essential role in collagen formation.

However, more recent research has now made it clear that more dietary vitamin C is needed to saturate body tissues such as the brain, heart, liver, and adrenal glands.

Consequently, in 2000, the RDI was raised to 90 and 75 milligrams daily for men and women. The new values were based on studies suggesting that plasma vitamin C should be maintained at specific levels (~80 µmol/L) for good health and antioxidant activity.
This is how the “debate on how much of vitamin C is needed” began—with scientists discussing two questions:
  • How much vitamin C is really needed to make an impact on plasma levels?
  • Are plasma levels really the best indication of tissue saturation levels?
Of Mice and Vitamin C 
While there is still not any consensus on this matter, a new, carefully designed study just published in the February issue of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition provides some clues for answering these questions.
In the study, New Zealand researchers compared “normal” mice vitamin C tissue saturation levels with “knockout” mice that were genetically engineered to lack the enzyme needed for synthesizing vitamin C in the body.

Without dietary vitamin C, they saw that tissue concentrations of ascorbate became deficient weeks before the onset of scurvy symptoms in the mice, similar to humans. During these weeks, the scientists observed that the mice exhibited signs of impaired collagen synthesis, changes in aortic wall structure, formation of atherosclerotic plaque, and activation of inflammatory processes.

Sustaining Tissue Concentration
The scientists observed that each tissue became deficient at different rates. For example, the brain maintained its vitamin C longer than other organs; however, after just two weeks of deficiency, vitamin C in the brain became depleted. To replenish these tissues to normal levels, plasma concentration had to be maintained saturated with daily ascorbate intakes.

In addition, they found that tissue levels of ascorbate became saturated more quickly when the mice ate kiwi fruit versus sodium ascorbate in water—the flavonoids present in kiwi are thought to enhance absorption of vitamin C by maintaining it in a reduced state (versus an oxidized state).

Lastly, based on the new evidence, the researchers wrote that the current RDI should receive no less than a 60 percent boost—from 75 milligrams per day to at least 120 milligrams per day—to keep not only plasma levels saturated, but also tissue levels of the brain, and organs that are unable to be measured with current methods.

The vitamin C researchers stressed the need for people to maintain an ongoing and constant vitamin C intake to sustain tissue concentration—which means consuming the scientists’ recommended amounts regularly.

What Weight Has to Do with Vitamin C
Another less well-known role of vitamin C is its involvement as a cofactor in the biosynthesis of carnitine, a molecule required for burning fat as energy fuel (fatty acid oxidation).

Interestingly, there is a direct inverse relationship with obesity (adiposity) and plasma vitamin C concentrations—as plasma ascorbate levels are decreased, fatty tissue increases (adiposity increases).
This association has led researchers to wonder whether or not decreased vitamin C levels cause less carnitine to be synthesized and if there is a relationship between less carnitine and less burning of fat for fuel.

Preliminary findings are that subjects who are vitamin C depleted have lower levels of carnitine leading to a 25 percent decrease in fatty acid oxidation (per kilogram body weight) than individuals whose vitamin C status is adequate.

The researchers speculate that reduced fat oxidation seen with vitamin C depletion may result in weight gain by two mechanisms:
  • Indirectly, decreased carnitine leads to increased fatigue during exercise and this may lead to exercise intolerance
  • Directly, by lipid (fat) accumulation
The prevalence of obesity in the world currently has led researchers to suggest that more attention is needed to the problem of vitamin C deficiency affecting at least 15 percent of the population, if not more.

Energizing Vitamin C combined with antioxidant protection helps keep your body in peak health and provides your immune system with 24 hour support
- utilizes three forms of vitamin C, including calcium, magnesium and sodium ascorbates
- one capsule contains 520 mg of non-acidic, buffered vitamin C.  Equal to more than 5 cups of orange juice
- Vitamin C also helps protect against prenatal health problems, eye disease, aging skin and free radical damage.

How is C-Lyte different from other vitamin C products?

C-Lyte utilities three forms of vitamins, including calcium, magnesium and sodium ascorbates. Calcium ascorbate is a natural form of vitamin C, which is much more readily absorbed in the blood stream than other forms of calcium. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It is essential to build the bones and teeth and numerous metabolic functions. Sodium ascorbate is the most used form of vitamin C in high dosage medical research studies. C-Lyte is made using a proprietary process. This results in a pH-neutral product that contains naturally occurring vitamin-C metabolites, which create quick absorption and maximum retention. Metabolites activate the vitamin C molecules and make it much easier for your body to transport them from cell to cell, helping to increase health benefits.

How do I use C-Lyte?
We recommend taking one capsule of C-Lyte daily. Recent studies, however, show that taking greater doses of Vitamin C may be beneficial. You may take more C-Lyte per day as needed for immune system support.

Why is C-Lyte important to the body?
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body
tissues. It’s involved in many body functions, including the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the immune system, wound healing and the maintenance of cartilage, bones and teeth. The human body is unable to produce vitamin C. It comes from food and supplements such as C-Lyte. Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients. Diverse benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, prenatal health problems, eye disease, aging skin and immunity to living longer. Vitamin C also protects your body against environmental damage.* According to research, vitamin C may help to offer health benefits in these areas:
  • Stress*
  • Colds*
  • Skin aging*
How much Vitamin C should I be getting daily?
According to dietary intake and the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, most adults don’t get enough vitamin C in
their diets. Vitamin C is not stored in the body (excess amounts are excreted), so overdose is not a concern. But it’s important not to exceed the safe upper limit of 2,000 mg a day to avoid stomach upset and diarrhea.

C-LYTE is always available at wholesale for you.  Simply log into your account or email me today at debofitt@gmail.com to order.  C-LYTE comes as part of the Ageless Essentials With Product B Daily Pack or ala carte.

In Health,
Debra Orringer, MS, ACE-CES, ACSM-HFI, AFAA
President, CEO ColorMeHealthyFitness at www.321GetFitt.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lose Stubborn Fat With More Whey From Dairy

Eating more protein from dairy may boost fat loss, especially around the belly, according to new study.

Does the phrase “weight-loss plateau” ring a bell? If you’ve ever embarked on a weight-loss journey, it more than likely does. And now there’s good news for you—results from a just-published study show that losing more belly fat and gaining more muscle is easier by eating more protein from dairy. The researchers credit the results to the whey protein fraction of the milk.  

The study, published in the September issue of the Journal of Nutrition, followed 90 overweight or obese women (aged 19-45) for 16 weeks as they followed a weight-loss program—500 calories lower than normal. The women were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the first group consumed 0 to 1 servings of dairy each day (low dairy and adequate protein), the second group consumed 3 to 4 servings of dairy each day (medium dairy and adequate protein), and the third group consumed 6 to 7 servings of dairy each day (high dairy and high protein). One serving of dairy was equal to about 1 cup of milk or about 1.5 ounces of cheese.
The diets were designed so that the women consuming the most dairy were eating two times more protein and lower carbohydrates than the other two groups, and twice the amount of dairy than the medium dairy group. All women engaged in an exercise program that included aerobic exercise five times a week and resistance training two times.

At the end of 16 weeks the women in the high dairy and high protein group lost significantly more fat, particularly belly fat, and gained more muscle mass than the women in the other two groups. All the women in the study lost weight, but lead author of the study and graduate student in the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University, Andrea Josse, points out, “One hundred percent of the weight lost in the higher-protein, high-dairy group was fat. And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a major change in body composition.”

Body composition after weight loss is important because as with any weight-loss program, fat is lost, but at the same time so is muscle, which may help explain the “plateau” effect. Not only that, but muscle plays a crucial role in regulating levels of glucose and fats in the blood, which means losing muscle could have negative effects on long-term metabolic health.

Also detrimental to preserving metabolic health is belly fat, or visceral fat. “Fat in the abdomen is thought to be especially bad for cardiovascular and metabolic health, and it seems—according to what we found in this study—increasing calcium and protein in the diet may help to further promote loss of fat from the worst storage area in the body,” Josse said.

The authors suggest the increased fat loss seen with higher consumption of dairy is “likely related to other bioactive components such as the protein fraction [whey] rich in branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).”


The Isagenix Isalean Shake is comprised of 23 grams the HIGHEST quality, UNDENATURED New Zealand whey and casein protein and superior amino acid complex?  

That means that it is not processed at high temperature levels and by doing so the shake is able to retain all 90 of your daily essential nutrients; Your 60 minerals, your key vitamins, all 18 amino acids, your essential fatty acids AND your digestive enzymes.  Plus it contains over 200 organic botanicals as well.

It helps you maintain lean body mass
The shake has lower lactase levels for easier digestion (96% lactase free)
Contains our exclusive blend of supercharged trace minerals
The shake is enzyme activated to help maximize absorption of your key nutrients
And it's clinically proven to support great weight-loss results and weight management

Plus it's wheat free, gluten free and barley free.

Remember you always get wholesale prices through me.  
Simply log into your account and order your Isalean Shake today or email me at debofitt@gmail.com so we can get you setup to receive the products at cost.

In Health,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Seven Tips for Healthy Aging

Seven Tips for Healthy Aging
With recent news of preliminary data that U.S. life expectancy is down for the first time since 2004 — dropping to age 77.8 overall – there is yet more talk about what people can really do for themselves to live successfully into old age.
Successful aging is crucial, now more than ever, considering the drastic rise in an aging population that scientists have said may soon cause a ”global aging crisis” bringing with it enormous challenges to countries worldwide.
With the recent introduction of Product B™ Antioxidant plus Telomere Support, we turned to Isagenix Founder and Master Formulator John Anderson, who has dedicated himself to researching the topic.

What is Product B and why do I need it? “Product B is an advanced dietary supplement that is designed to support longevity and healthy aging. Product B works directly within the body’s cells to combat oxidative stress caused by an overabundance of free radicals and to support telomeres, critical guardians of our DNA. Keeping telomeres healthy and long is important because their shortening is a key biomarker of the aging process. In our modern world, unfortunately, most of us suffer from greater oxidative stress due to being overweight, malnourished, and overstressed. Greater oxidative stress leads to an increased rate of telomere shortening. Product B works to reduce the harmful effects oxidative stress has on telomere length.”
We also asked him what he considered as the best advice to give people for the sake of healthy aging.
“In today’s toxic world, we need all the help we can get to protect ourselves against foreign invaders entering our bodies every second of every day,” he said. “We age from the time we are conceived until the time we die. Most people have accepted this as being normal and do nothing because they feel like the battle has been lost.”
According to Anderson, however, it is indeed possible to fight aging with simple (yet complex), proven ways to help us to achieve healthy, long lives.
Here are John Anderson’s 7 tips for healthy aging:
  1. Choose healthy foods that are dense in nutrients. Shop for your foods on the outer aisles of your grocery store and spend most of your time in the organic fruits and vegetables sections.
  2. Cleanse daily using botanicals and ingredients shown to assist in the removal of toxins.
  3. Exercise daily. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity.
  4. Practice healthy sleep habits. You know the rule: eight hours a night is the ideal.
  5. Reduce stress–this is not easy sometimes, but finding ways to solve the cause of stress in your life is absolutely necessary.
  6. Take antioxidants, botanicals, omega-3s, vitamins, minerals, and other quality nutrients that fight aging and support your body. There is nothing better than the convenient packets of Ageless Essentials™ Daily Pack with Product B. Get all of your daily nutrients needed for youthful aging and vibrant energy all in a handy packet and never have to struggle with another pill bottle again.
  7. Add at least 1 to 2 IsaLean® Shake servings to your regimen daily (to replace meals) because it’s proven that nutrient density and low caloric intake is helpful in slowing aging and ensuring proper weight control.
Questions About Product B?If you happened to miss our 2011 "Ignite Your Future: Stay Young Forever" Celebration event in San Diego, then you missed an exciting new product being formally launched-Product B Antioxidants plus Telomere Support. Click here for all the details. (http://www.isagenixhealth.net/2011/08/questions-about-just-launched-product-b/)
Ageless Essentials™ with Product B™ Antioxidants plus Telomere Support
Now you can get your daily dose of age-defying vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in one cost-effective pack. The individually wrapped daily A.M./P.M. packets in Ageless Essentials with Product B helps slow the progressive degeneration of the body and support the latest scientific breakthrough in youthful aging—telomere health.Check it out.  (http://www.isagenixhealth.net/2010/10/can-taking-a-multivitamin-daily-protect-telomeres-and-slow-aging/)
Take your first step towards living longer, feeling younger and looking great. Watch and learn as “What’s Aging You?” exposes the root causes of aging, explains the scientific breakthrough of telomeres in the aging process, and illustrates how Isagenix® Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging systems can help boost your odds of living healthier longer. Check out the video(http://www.youtube.com/embed/AllTvLYg8dc?rel=0)