
Have you asked yourself these questions.... Why am I so tired? Why do I crave sweets? Why can't I lose weight? Why do I feel depressed? Why do 1 in 2 people get cancer? Why is my child's life expectancy less than mine? Learn how to get control of your life through nutrition. Balance your Mind; Balance your Body; Balance your Life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lose Stubborn Fat With More Whey From Dairy

Eating more protein from dairy may boost fat loss, especially around the belly, according to new study.

Does the phrase “weight-loss plateau” ring a bell? If you’ve ever embarked on a weight-loss journey, it more than likely does. And now there’s good news for you—results from a just-published study show that losing more belly fat and gaining more muscle is easier by eating more protein from dairy. The researchers credit the results to the whey protein fraction of the milk.  

The study, published in the September issue of the Journal of Nutrition, followed 90 overweight or obese women (aged 19-45) for 16 weeks as they followed a weight-loss program—500 calories lower than normal. The women were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the first group consumed 0 to 1 servings of dairy each day (low dairy and adequate protein), the second group consumed 3 to 4 servings of dairy each day (medium dairy and adequate protein), and the third group consumed 6 to 7 servings of dairy each day (high dairy and high protein). One serving of dairy was equal to about 1 cup of milk or about 1.5 ounces of cheese.
The diets were designed so that the women consuming the most dairy were eating two times more protein and lower carbohydrates than the other two groups, and twice the amount of dairy than the medium dairy group. All women engaged in an exercise program that included aerobic exercise five times a week and resistance training two times.

At the end of 16 weeks the women in the high dairy and high protein group lost significantly more fat, particularly belly fat, and gained more muscle mass than the women in the other two groups. All the women in the study lost weight, but lead author of the study and graduate student in the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University, Andrea Josse, points out, “One hundred percent of the weight lost in the higher-protein, high-dairy group was fat. And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a major change in body composition.”

Body composition after weight loss is important because as with any weight-loss program, fat is lost, but at the same time so is muscle, which may help explain the “plateau” effect. Not only that, but muscle plays a crucial role in regulating levels of glucose and fats in the blood, which means losing muscle could have negative effects on long-term metabolic health.

Also detrimental to preserving metabolic health is belly fat, or visceral fat. “Fat in the abdomen is thought to be especially bad for cardiovascular and metabolic health, and it seems—according to what we found in this study—increasing calcium and protein in the diet may help to further promote loss of fat from the worst storage area in the body,” Josse said.

The authors suggest the increased fat loss seen with higher consumption of dairy is “likely related to other bioactive components such as the protein fraction [whey] rich in branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine).”


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In Health,

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