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Monday, May 9, 2011

NUTRITION TIP: 5 Things You Didn't Know About Fiber

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Fiber

For years, fiber has gotten a bad wrap. Made famous in the past by barely drinkable drinks and commercials aimed at the 70-plus crowd, most people think of fiber just when it comes to being “regular.”

But dietary fiber is no one-man-band. It features an orchestra of benefits and characteristics you might not have considered before. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just generally trying to get your health back on track, here are 5 things that you need to know about fiber:

#1 There are Actually Two Types of Fiber

Dietary fiber actually comes in two forms. Soluble fiber, the type that gels as it travels down the GI tract slowing absorption of sugars and fats; and may get fermented in the colon producing short chain fatty acids that are great fuel sources for the colon cells.  The other type of fiber is called insoluble fiber and does not get fermented in the colon but does adsorb lots of water as it travels down the GI tract producing softer stools and increasing the frequency of stools.

The Food and Nutrition Board, part of the Institute of Medicine recommends all Americans get at least 25 grams of dietary fiber in their diets each day. But most Americans don’t even get half that amount.

Isagenix® understands the important roles both these types of fibers play in your overall health and well-being. That’s why we’ve included them both in every FiberSnacks!™ snack bar. One bar of FiberSnacks! contains 6 grams of dietary fiber, nearly one quarter of the daily recommended amount.

#2 Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight

There’s a reason the nutritionists recommend we increase our dietary fiber, and it’s not just about making sure Americans have good digestive health. There are even longer term health impacts. One of the greatest tools in the fight against weight gain and obesity and a direct link to a healthy hearts is found just by having a healthy diet including dietary fibers. A cool benefit of eating dietary fiber is that it adds bulk to your diet and makes you feel more full with fewer calories. Also, according to research, soluble fiber may also slow down the absorption of some dietary fat by your body and can lower your circulating cholesterol levels.

Between the punch of fiber and 6 grams of hunger-curbing undenatured whey and milk protein in one FiberSnacks! bar, you can now make it in between meals without feeling the pangs of hunger you’re used to during the day. And all that for only 150 calories, which helps you maintain  your daily calorie goals.

#3 Focusing on Foods That Contain Fiber Can Help Improve Nutrition

With all of the fast food and processed food options out there, it’s no wonder Americans aren’t getting enough fiber in their diets. Making fiber a top priority in your diet isn’t just good sense for your waistline, it makes sense for your overall balanced diet.

That’s because you can find fiber in all sorts of healthy food sources. One regular apple contains 4 grams of fiber. One cup of black beans packs a wallop of 15 grams of dietary fiber, along with another 15 grams of protein. That means as you focus on fiber, you’re also getting other important nutrients in your diet at the same time.

#4 Fiber Aids Your Overall Digestion

Fiber’s not just about keeping you regular. It helps out in a number of different areas in your digestive system. A certain form of fiber known as prebiotic soluble fiber helps “feed” your friendly bacteria in your colon, which are known to promote a healthy immune system; in addition these dietary fibers help lower the pH in your colon, which is thought to help keep bad bacteria at bay while also promoting excretion of bile acids. Dietary fibers have even been shown to help ease the symptoms of certain digestive disorders.

#5 Increasing Fiber Intake Encourages Hydration

Since many fibers absorb water and expand in your system by adding the bulk needed to keep you feeling fuller longer, it’s ideal to drink lots of water when you eat fiber-rich foods. This will not only help aid in your digestion, but it will also keep your body properly hydrated.
But focusing on the right types of beverages is key to having proper hydration. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, soft drinks or energy drinks actually can dehydrate your body instead—caffeine is a diuretic and you are likely to release more fluids than you consume. Choose natural fruit juices, sports drinks without caffeine and especially water during the day. Most experts recommend 64 oz of water per day. That’s the equivalent of about eight glasses. You may need more if you’re exercising regularly.

Nature has provided fiber in a plethora of different sources, all at your fingertips.

And Isagenix has harnessed several of those sources in one easy and delicious choice: FiberSnacks!. Reward yourself with 24 percent of your daily recommended amount of fiber in just one great-tasting snack bar. And best of all,FiberSnacks! are gluten free, meaning they can be enjoyed even by those suffering from Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. 

FiberSnacks! also contain natural safe ingredients, which can be enjoyed by children and mothers who are nursing or pregnant.


Always in Health,

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