
Have you asked yourself these questions.... Why am I so tired? Why do I crave sweets? Why can't I lose weight? Why do I feel depressed? Why do 1 in 2 people get cancer? Why is my child's life expectancy less than mine? Learn how to get control of your life through nutrition. Balance your Mind; Balance your Body; Balance your Life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Your Nutritional Cleansing Questions Answered

Your Nutritional Cleansing Questions Answered

You may have heard the phrase before, but maybe you never really stopped to understand its meaning or get down to how it works.

Nutritional Cleansing:  What is it? How can it help you? Is it for real?

What exactly is Nutritional Cleansing?

In essence, Nutritional Cleansing involves nourishing the body with nutrients that assist in clearing out unwanted substances from your body.

Nutritional Cleansing is not the same as colon cleansing, which is based on using fiber or laxatives to shed gunk and foreign substances from your colon. Instead, Nutritional Cleansing involves using nutrition to help your body perform at its best by ridding it of harmful substances, naturally.

The Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing systems use natural ingredients to assist your liver and cells in ridding the body of harmful chemicals to help you feel healthier and more energized. Cleanse for Life® includes key ingredients to help your body naturally cleanse itself of harmful impurities on a cellular level while nourishing it with more than 27 vital nutrients, antioxidants, natural botanical extracts, teas, vitamins and minerals. As a side benefit, performing deep cleansing can even help you lose weight.

Isn’t it just a fancy juice?

Well, it does taste great like a juice, but it’s much more than that. Unlike some one-hit wonder juices that use a single berry as their main ingredient (goji, açai, noni, pomegranate fruits, etc.), Cleanse for Life uses a combination of ingredients and nutrients to support the body’s natural cleansing process. When you read the ingredients, you will see that it contains a powerful combination of antioxidants, herbs, vitamins and minerals that work to help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle each new day. We’ve spent years perfecting the formula in Cleanse for Life to help give you optimum performance and deliver benefits far beyond what one- and two- ingredient formulas can offer.

Why does your body need cleansing?

Every day our bodies ingest all different kinds of chemicals, toxins and impurities. Not only that, but our bodies are also constantly giving off what are known as free radicals, or negatively charged molecules that attack your body’s cells. These free radicals can happen as a result of environmental challenges such as pollution or even your normal metabolism and exercise. Nutritional Cleansing helps rid your body of these toxins, while at the same time flooding your system with antioxidants — free radicals’ worst nightmare.

What other benefits can I get from Nutritional Cleansing?

Do you feel sluggish during the day? Feel like you can’t get through the afternoon? Do you often experience the 3 p.m. slump? These are all areas where Nutritional Cleansing can make a difference.

Besides helping you lose weight and rid your body of toxins, Cleanse for Life can help you experience increased energy, feel more alert and focused during the day and also help improve your mental and physical performance.

Anti-Aging benefits. Age isn’t your only enemy. Environmental impurities and nutritional deficiency can lead to premature aging both internally and externally. By feeing the body free radical-fighting antioxidants, Nutritional Cleansing helps to offset the effects of toxins, which can accelerate aging.

Is Nutritional Cleansing safe?

It’s important to always examine anything you put into your body. That’s why we’ve only added all-natural, safe ingredients to our Nutritional Cleansing systems. Cleanse for Life contains no artificial additives, flavors or other ingredients that can mess with your metabolism.
What’s the difference between daily cleansing and deep cleansing?

Daily cleansing naturally helps protect your body from impurities you are exposed to every day — pollutants, chemicals, free radicals and so on. This helps keep you performing at your best.
Over time, some impurities may not get detoxified and cleared out through your body’s natural processes. These impurities bury themselves in your cells and tissues, normally staying there and slowing down your metabolism over time. Deep cleansing gives your digestion a rest while also allowing the liver to detoxify thanks to cleansing nutrients. These nutrients get down deep into your system, ridding contaminants that have collected within your body over time, thus helping your eliminatory systems function effectively. Deep cleansing also creates the accompanying benefit of stimulating weight loss.

How often should I use Nutritional Cleansing?

For everyday cleansing, drink Cleanse for Life two times daily. For deep cleansing, use four times daily as part of the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

I’ve heard of Nutritional Cleansing, but what makes Cleanse for Life different?

Other cleansing products or systems claim only to cleanse part of the body, like the colon, kidneys or liver. Cleanse for Life works for your whole body.  Also, Cleanse for Life works with your body on a cellular level, rather than just flushing out your digestive system like some diuretic products or programs out there. And, unlike other products on the market that may deplete the body of vital nutrients, Cleanse for Life actually nourishes the body as it cleanses.

Plus, our new, state-of-the-art manufacturing and extraction techniques just made Cleanse for Life Natural Rich Berry powder even more powerful! The potency of each rare, no-compromise ingredient has increased by up to 2- to 3-times its original potency level because of the improved manufacturing and extraction process that pulls all of the phytochemical properties from the botanicals at the cellular level.

Founder and Master Formulator John Anderson also added two new ingredients to the Cleanse for Life Natural Rich Berry powdered formula, Turmeric and Burdock Root, to enhance your cleansing results naturally.

Remember - you will always get wholesale prices through me.  Just email me today to set up your first order, debo@321getfitt.com

Hugs in Health,

4 Essential Nutrients Missing From Your Diet

4 Essential Nutrients Missing From Your Diet

Sluggish around 3 p.m.? Wishing you could rekindle that child-like energy that makes everyday life feel like a cinch?

You could be missing the four essential nutrients to unlock that vibrant energy.

Many times, that tired feeling we get as we trudge through the day is our body’s way of saying “I need more nourishment!” Even though you may be fitting in all of your calories, that doesn’t mean your body is getting the essential nutrients it needs to function at its utmost.

Here are four essential vitamins you need every day to kick that sluggish feeling to the curb:

1. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. According to a recent study by the British Journal of Nutrition, you should be consuming at least 250 mg of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA daily to protect your heart and keep it functioning optimally. To get 250 mg of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids every day, you’d have to eat a serving of tuna or cod that’s the size of a deck of cards!

Easily and conveniently get your intake with IsaOmega Supreme®. You’ll be flooding your body with 2,000 mg of healthy fish oil daily (1,200 mg long-chain, 600 mg EPA and 480 mg DHA), a great way to boost your heart health. Another plus? Did you know that fish oil can help you lose weight and might even help you keep it off?

2. Vitamin D. Our bodies create Vitamin D thanks to the sun, but most of us neglect getting enough of the “sunshine vitamin” because we’re stuck indoors too much, are carrying extra weight or simply live in a place where certain times of the year yield less of the direct rays than in others. To solve the issue, adding a daily supplement with at least 2,000 IU of Vitamin D. By taking your daily dose of Vitamin D, you’ll be helping to protect your body from the effects of aging and helping to ward off brittle, weak bones, too.

Ageless Actives™ offers 1,000 IU of Vitamin D along with a synergistic blend of other nutrients such as CoQ10 and Resveratrol to support heart health as well. Essentials for Women™ and Essentials for Men™ multivitamins offer another 1,000 IU of Vitamin D. Together, they provide the daily dose of 2,000 IU for your body. Here’s a little more about why you need Vitamin D.

3. Vitamin C. We all know that the key to a healthy immune system is plenty of Vitamin C, but how often do you grab that orange and how much do you really need? Researchers stated in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that people need to maintain an ongoing and constant vitamin C intake to sustain tissue concentration. That means your Vitamin C intake goes even beyond keeping the sniffles at bay!

Thanks to C-Lyte®, you get 520 mg of Vitamin C, the equivalent of drinking more than five cups of orange juice! With three different types of Vitamin C included such as mineral ascorbates (to buffer acidity), your stomach will thank you for providing such a gentle formula. Learn more about the importance of Vitamin C .

4. Calcium. A study published in the Journal of American Dietetic Association reported that U.S. adults aren’t getting the adequate amount of calcium needed to maintain strong bone health. Whether we’re trying to cut down on our fat intake, we’re lactose intolerant, or we just aren’t big milk drinkers, most of us aren’t getting the amount of calcium we need on a daily basis to keep our bones strong. To make sure you’re getting what you need (1,000 to 1,300 mg daily), supplementation is necessary.

The Essentials for Women multivitamin offers 900 mg daily while the Essentials for Men multivitamin provides 800 mg daily, a great supplement to your regular IsaLean® Shake, leafy greens, fortified cereal and low-fat milk.

Wondering how you can fit in all of these supplements AND save money? We have a simple solution that will save you nearly $30 off wholesale pricing of each individual supplement while also providing a convenient way to take them!

The Isagenix Ageless Essentials™ Daily Pack for Men and Ageless Essentials Daily Pack for Women features two small daily packets that contain just the right amount of these vitamins and minerals along with blends of antioxidants, botanicals and other key nutrients. The best part? Isagenix Master Formulator and Founder John Anderson says pairing this dynamic vitamin pack with the 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System and all of the Isagenix products actually improves the nutritional benefits and is “essential” to your Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing lifestyle!

EMAIL me today and we can get your wholesale order all set and on it's way to you!

NUTRITION TIP: Must-Have Weight Loss Tips for an Incredible Summer Body

Must-Have Weight Loss Tips for an Incredible Summer Body

April showers bring May flowers, but June and July temperatures mean one thing: swimsuit season! Whether your favorite spot is at the beach, at the lake or just hanging around the pool, those few extra pounds you put on over the winter can make you feel self-conscious and may even make you think twice before heading out for some summer fun.

But don’t fret! In just the course of a few weeks, you can shed off extra pounds and feel confident in your body like you never have before. Here are a few simple tips for helping you drop inches in a hurry.

Eat More “Naked” Food
Strip away the harmful foods weighing you down! The more natural the food you eat, the less toxins you are exposed to, and the healthier it is for your body. Processed food is full of chemicals, preservatives and other substances that actually slow down your body’s metabolism and can be difficult to digest. Instead, spend most of your time at the grocery store in the produce or whole foods sections where the food has been the least tampered with. “Naked,” or natural, food gives your body the opportunity to improve digestion and help your metabolism function more efficiently.

Drink Water. And More Water.
Good news: there’s a secret ingredient that can help speed up your weight loss — and it’s free. It’s called water.

That’s right, just drinking water can help you lose more pounds in the next month. And this isn’t just quack science. Actual scientific studies have shown that people who drink more water during the day lose more weight because they feel more full before and after meals, causing them to eat less.
Water is essential for the body to carry out its normal physiological functions. When we don’t consume enough water, our body becomes dehydrated and cannot function properly. Not drinking enough water can lead to fluid retention, causing weight gain. So next time you reach for that can of soda, grab the bottle of water instead, which has no calories and will help keep your body functioning at its best.

Set a daily goal over the next 30 days to drink more water. Start slowly, drinking an extra glass before each meal or when you can remember, then slowly build up to where you’re drinking at least 64 oz per day. You’ll notice a difference not only in your appetite, but in your digestion as well.

Get Moving — Whatever Way You Can
Too many people envision a loud gym filled with grunting bodybuilders when they think of working out. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Any time you can get off the couch and get moving more than you normally do, it will contribute to weight loss. There are many simple changes in your everyday life you can make to increase your activity and burn more calories. For instance, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, or park in a far-away spot that will cause you to walk further to your destination.

How about this: set a goal in the next 30 days to burn a certain number of calories. Whether it’s 1,000 or 10,000, set a realistic goal and then come up with a list of activities that will help you meet that goal. Even gardening or mowing the lawn can count. Whatever gets your heart rate elevated and gets you moving more than normal will contribute to weight loss.

Become a Math Nerd
There’s just no way of getting around it: calories count! Expending more calories than you take in will result in losing weight. Over the next 30 days, use a food diary to help keep track of  calories you consume. If you don’t know the exact amount, take an educated guess (there are dozens of online calorie counting programs) and try to overestimate. You’ll be surprised at how counting your calories will help you be more conscious of what you eat, which can help curb your cravings and cause you to want to eat less.

Once you’ve got the art of counting down, do the math. Since it takes 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound, you’ll need to create a 500-calorie deficit per day to lose a pound a week, or 1,000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week. Use an online calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you need per day to maintain your current weight, based on your age, height, weight, gender, and average physical activity. Then crunch the numbers.

For example, let’s say your daily calorie need is 2,200 calories. If you eat 1,800 calories in a day, you’ve created a deficit of 400 calories. But then, you work out in the morning and burn 250 calories on the exercise bike, then go for a run in the evening and burn 350 calories. You’ve just created a deficit of 1,000 calories in a day. If you maintain this routine every day, you’ll lose a whopping 8 to 10 pounds in just 30 days!

Don’t Diet

Atkins. South Beach. The Zone. You’ve heard of all of them and, chances are, you’ve tried most of them as well. The reason they don’t work is that they require a radical shift in the way you eat that isn’t really sustainable over the long term.

If you want your weight loss to last not just for the summer but for the long term, don’t think of it as a diet. Think of it as a way of life. Too many people get caught on the yo-yo diet train, losing 10 pounds, then gaining back 15. Before you know it, you’ve spent five years off and on a diet, but don’t have anything to show for it.
Instead, have the attitude that you’re going to make a lifestyle change by eating healthier and incorporating exercise into your daily routine. You’ll lose the guilt that comes with indulging in your cravings from time to time and you’ll have a more realistic approach to your health.

Get Rid of the Bad Stuff
You may not even realize it, but there’s a secret enemy in your body that makes it difficult — and sometimes downright frustrating — to lose weight: toxins.

Our bodies are bombarded daily with all sorts of impurities and contaminants. From pollution to chemicals to free radicals our bodies create on their own, all of these things make it harder to lose weight. In fact, in a cruel twist of fate, our bodies actually give off free radicals when we exercise and function regularly.
That’s why it’s essential to always be on the guard against toxins that your body absorbs — and sometimes stores. The Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System is here to help.

We’ve created a revolutionary system that will not only help cleanse out harmful toxins from within your body, but also set you on the road to some serious fat burning.

Here’s how it works: we’ve combined the power of Cleanse for Life® with our complete line of low-calorie meal replacement products and nutritional supplements to give your body the arsenal it needs to cleanse itself of impurities while losing weight. Cleanse for Life contains antioxidants and botanicals that interact with detoxification enzymes and free radicals that occur in the cells, preventing oxidation and promoting elimination of toxins.

IsaLean® Shakes are meal replacements containing a healthful balance of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to maximize nutrition while reducing caloric intake. The other products in the system provide nutrients to help burn fat, increase energy, improve mental and physical performance, and promote overall health and well-being.

The power of our 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System, combined with your new approach to healthy eating and exercise, gives you the best chance of getting that beach body you’ve always dreamed of. Our system is unique in the way it combines the three essentials your body needs to lose weight: low-calorie food options, Nutritional Cleansing and essential nutrition.

Email me today to place your wholesale order.  DebO@321GetFitt.com 

Your body is waiting for you to make a change. Make it easier with the Isagenix 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
Always In Health,