
Have you asked yourself these questions.... Why am I so tired? Why do I crave sweets? Why can't I lose weight? Why do I feel depressed? Why do 1 in 2 people get cancer? Why is my child's life expectancy less than mine? Learn how to get control of your life through nutrition. Balance your Mind; Balance your Body; Balance your Life.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The 3:00 SLUMP


Are you tired of being tired in the middle of the day? Perhaps the classic 3 o’clock slump in energy, mood and focus is affecting your work or even your relationships. Getting down to the bottom of your energy crisis in the middle of the afternoon can help you regain your focus and get back to getting the job done.

While several different medical conditions can cause chronic fatigue – such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, Chronic Fatigue Immunodeficiency Syndrome and fibromyalgia – for most people, diet and lifestyle are the main culprits behind the mid-afternoon slump.

A Poor Diet Could Be Making You Feel Sluggish
If you’re like most people, you hit the door running with little more than a cup of coffee and a donut in your hand to get you through the morning. Then it’s either a quick lunch filled with empty calories or even no lunch at all. And you expect that to get you through the day?  A poor diet filled with empty calories or barely any calories at all could be exactly what’s behind your personal 3 o’clock slump. Skipping breakfast in the morning slows down your metabolism, making your body have to work harder to keep up with your busy schedule. And many of the junk foods you may be calling lunch are filled with empty calories, sugar and processed flour, which make your blood sugar spike.  As your blood sugar comes back down to earth, you can experience all the classic symptoms of the mid-afternoon slump: fatigue, lack of concentration and sleepiness. Not only that, but a poor diet means you’re not getting the proper vitamins and nutrients your body needs to keep the immune system going, meaning you’re leaving yourself open for anything from the common cold to gum disease. Eating a diet that is balanced in nutrients and food groups is essential to having energy that lasts you throughout the day. Aim for whole grains and complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly throughout your body. Pair those with lean protein sources – like a protein shake
– and your body will have the energy it needs to get you through the afternoon.

Why Your Afternoon Cup of Coffee is Missing the Mark
One of the most popular methods for battling mid-afternoon fatigue is to reach for the nearest can of soda, cup of coffee or energy drink. But you’re probably only delaying the inevitable when it comes to downing large amounts of caffeine in order to break out of your slump. As you probably already know, caffeine stimulates your nervous system and dilates your blood vessels, helping you feel more alert and awake. But what you may not know is that caffeine is also a powerful drug that, with excessive use, can cause the very symptoms you’re trying to address.  Drinking the equivalent of a few cups of coffee per day of caffeine probably won’t harm you, according to the American Heart Association. But when you start relying on caffeine to wake you up in the morning and keep you awake in the afternoon, you can start to develop caffeine withdrawals, which include headache, fatigue, anxiety and drowsiness.

Sound familiar?

Keep Your Body Properly Hydrated
Are you getting enough water to drink during the day? If not, mild dehydration may be playing a role in your mid-afternoon slump. You may think dehydration just makes you feel thirsty, but not getting enough proper fluids throughout the day can also send your electrolyte levels out of whack.  Minerals such as potassium, calcium and sodium are essential to your natural body processes such as circulation, digestion and respiration. Not getting enough fluids can deplete some of these minerals and lead to drowsiness, muscle fatigue and other common problems of the 3 o’clock slump.  The Mayo Clinic suggests drinking between 2 to 3 liters of water a day to keep up with the water you lose through normal activity. If you have a job that keeps you on your feet regularly, you may need even more than that.

How Exercise Can Help You Feel Energized
It may seem like a contradiction in terms, but not getting enough exercise could leave you feeling more tired throughout the day. A study conducted by the University of Georgia showed that people who get more exercise over an extended period of time feel more energized throughout the day. Before you head out and spend money on a gym membership, though, just a half hour of moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking should be enough to do the trick and help get you through your day.

A Daily Multivitamin May Be Just the Solution You’re Looking For
If you’re tired of feeling tired during the day, Isagenix’s powerful combination of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in the Ageless Essentials Daily Pack can help fill in the gaps in your diet that leave you worn out in the afternoon.  Isagenix’s unique blend of ingredients, combined with the convenient A.M. and P.M. packs and the power of rapid disintegration technology, help provide continuous energy throughout the day. Better yet, Ageless Essentials helps protect your body from the harmful effects of free radicals thanks to its powerful antioxidants, guarding against the signs of aging and giving you a more youthful look and feel.  

So stop slumping every day and start feeling better with a better diet, more regular exercise and the help of the Ageless Essentials Daily Pack.

Always at wholesale.   Email me today at DebO@321GetFitt.com with questions or to help place your order.

In health


The 1-2 Punch for Improved Digestive Health!

Less than 10% of Americans get the recommended 
fiber in their diet daily.* More than 87% of people 
report having digestive issues.**

Digestive Issues

70,000,000 people everyday suffer from some form of digestive issues (heartburn, acid reflux, GERD (gastro esophageal reflex disorder), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), indigestion constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.). To relieve these symptoms people turn to pharmacological intervention.

A study in the December 27, 2006 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association by Dr. Yang, et al, finds that people over age 50 who take the drugs for more than one year have a 44% increased risk of breaking a hip because PPIs (protein pump inhibitors) inhibit the body from producing stomach acid. However, some stomach acid is needed to absorb calcium, which is needed for healthy bones.

Why are there so many digestive problems?

Our grandmothers knew the answer, we do not digest our food properly. 
- We eat too fast,
- We don't chew our food carefully,
- We rush away from the table right after a meal or worse we eat on the run.
What are we supposed to do when we cannot follow the scholarly advice of our grandmothers? We should add digestive enzymes or probiotics to our diets.

Why digestive enzymes?

Your body has a limited supply of enzymes. The general rule of thumb is that for every ten years of life, you lose approximately 13% of your enzymes' potential. Your enzymes' potential can be made to last longer if outside enzymes are taken in.
Digestive enzymes exist naturally in the foods we eat when they are RAW. Once we cook foods, we destroy the enzymes in the food, which places more stress on our bodies to produce digestive enzymes. Even raw meats and fats have within them the digestive enzymes necessary to break them down into the components our cells can utilize.
Your body produces digestive enzymes. However, it cannot produce enough digestive enzymes to keep up with the typical western diet, which is full of enzyme-depleted, cooked, and processed foods. This is one of the reasons why so many people suffer from digestive-related health problems.

Why Probiotics?

Probiotics have been under scientific scrutiny for years. The research is based on a growing appreciation that a healthy human body relies on armies of "friendly" bacteria. The good bugs keep bad bugs in check and may perform other functions essential to a healthy gut and immune system. But the balance of bacteria can be thrown off by a number of factors, including the use of antibiotics (which kill both good and bad bugs), a poor diet, stress, and infection.

So a dose of the right bacteria at the right time might well come to the rescue of people who have ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, or GERD.
The stress of modern life many times requires us to supplement our bodies' natural abilities with natural pharmaceuticals. Natural pharmaceuticals are recognized by our digestive system, thereby avoiding the serious side effects that so many pharmaceuticals cause. Therefore, I recommend starting with probiotics and digestive enzymes before starting any other treatment for any digestive issue. I have been very successful in helping my personal health from a long history of IBS and more where prescription drugs were the only resource... until Isagenix.


The most complete multi-fiber complex that helps 
to support natural digestion and regularity.
• Contains 5 different sources of plant fiber.
• Helps to promote regularity and reduce constipation naturally.
• Contains exclusive Isagenix Active6 Complex of probiotics, which helps 
to restore the balance of healthy bacteria.
• Provides soluble and insoluble fiber, which provides bulk and helps you 
feel full longer.
Advanced enzyme formula helps 
your body break down and absorb hard-to-digest foods.
• Utilizes a full spectrum of specialized plant-based enzymes to help your 
body break down and absorb food to give you lasting energy.
• Helps improve nutrient absorption and enzyme balance, providing greater overall digestive health.
• Contains Ionic Alfalfa, our advanced, supercharged blend of trace minerals, to support the body's vital functions.

If you want to get even more from your cleansing lifestyle; increase your energy, lose weight and improve your mood then these two products are essential to add to your Isagenix daily routine.

Our two new digestive formulas are your complete digestive solution!

- The natural ingredients in Isagenix Fiber Pro and Isagenix Multi-Enzyme Complex strengthen digestive health and improve internal cleansing.

- FiberPro delivers probiotics for digestive health and fivve types of fiber to add an additional 5 grams to your diet per serving

- Multi-Enzyme uses a propriety blend of enzymes and herbs to help break down foods and improve nutrient absorption.

They can both be incorporated into your daily Isagenix routine to give you that 1-2 punch for complete digestive health!

Remember - you always get wholesale prices through your Isagenix Account.  Sign in today and add the next item to your autoship, or call me for any help you need.  

In Health,